The Sea Dragons are a group of explorers who travel around on their ship, the Shimmering Pearl. They consist of the crew captain, Renie; the archivist, David; the fighters, Jordyn and Tristan; the navigator, Ash; and the medic, Viktor. There are also frequest appearances of other characters, like May and Pearl, Renie's wife and daughter; the Hangman crew, made up of captain Etienne, navigator Rosie, fighter Soot, and medic Uzi; and other fun characters along the way.

Content Tags: Fluff | Angst | Found Family | Hurt/Comfort

Trigger Warnings: PTSD | Self Hatred | Traumatic Pasts | Parental Trauma

Below is a list of illustrated stories. They'll be listed in storyline order, not in the order of when I actually wrote them!