Deven has lived in the facility for his entire life and wants nothing more than to get out, but the facility is all he knows and the staff are constantly watching so what is he supposed to do? Follow Deven, Brook and River as they try to break out of their broken situation and make some unlikely friends.

Content Tags: Found Family | Time Travel | Reality Shifting

Trigger Warnings: Unethical Experimentation | Gaslighting | Child Abuse | Drugs/Drug Use | Restraint | Torture | Seizures | Struggles Breathing | Panic Attacks | Broken Bones | Infant/Child Abduction | Kidnapping | Vomit | Medical Scenarios/Medical Trauma | Needles/Syringes | Electrotherapy | PTSD | Claustrophobia | Self Harm | Obscene Language/Swearing | Childbirth | Pregnancy | Pregnant Woman Dies | Babies and Unborn Children | Miscarriages | Abelism | Misgendering | Stockholm Syndrome

Below is a list of illustrated stories. They'll be listed in storyline order, not in the order of when I actually wrote them!

  • wip